I found myself searching everywhere for a cute bag that I could put my wet bikini or yoga gear in as I zoomed around town, but everything was so... utilitarian. I decided to create my own super cute wet swimsuit bag that would be beautiful, reusable, reliable, and, most importantly, would make me smile every time I used it.
Initially I just made one bag to use myself, but soon my friends started asking me if I could make them some. I made a couple to carry my sons' change of clothes to swim class with and bring their wet bathing suits home with and other moms asked me where I got them. They worked so well that I made one to keep my phone dry, sand-free, and hidden in my beach bag.
One of my sisters-in-law wanted one for her trip to Belize. And another wanted one to organize my niece's diaper bag. I made a couple more for myself for my intimates so the TSA couldn't see my business when I went through airport security and fellow travelers asked me about them. Shortly thereafter, I realized I was on to something, and Wander Wet Bags was born.
Life is too short for ugly plastic bags. Travel life beautifully.
Enjoy Today,